“Double Identity” Cat Sires a Duo of Darling Kittens, Each Mirroring His Duality

Cute Kitten Photos

Meet Narnia, the charming cat with a split personality when it comes to his coloring. This unique feline has captured the hearts of many on the internet with his striking appearance. With one side of his adorable little noggin gray and the other side black, Narnia truly stands out in a crowd. Thanks to his Instagram account managed by his owner Stephanie Jiminez, fans from around the world can keep up with Narnia’s daily adventures.

While Narnia has been in the spotlight for quite some time, his attention recently shifted to a pair of kittens he fathered in the spring of 2019. Even though these cute bundles of fluff don’t share their father’s distinctive two-toned face, each one carries one of the colors present on Narnia’s face. Jiminez, writing as Narnia on Instagram, shared, “My children have each taken a part of me.” One kitten is a lovely shade of gray, while the other is a deep black with a touch of white on its chest. Jiminez managed to capture a heartwarming photo of the pair sitting side by side, mimicking the color distribution seen on Narnia’s face.

Jiminez is the owner of Chatterie de la Grace, a small family breeding business specializing in British longhair and shorthair cats. Narnia’s offspring have found loving homes with other families through the breeder. If you want to see more of Narnia’s adorable antics, be sure to follow him on Instagram for your daily dose of cuteness!

British Shorthair Cat

Stephanie Jiminez has shared Narnia’s journey with the world, allowing people to stay updated on his life.

British Shorthair Cat

During the spring of 2019, Narnia became the proud father of two adorable kittens, each carrying half of his unique coloring.

Cute Kitten Photos

According to Narnia (as shared by his human companion), each of his children has inherited a piece of him.

British Shorthair Catv

British Shorthair Cat

British Shorthair Cat

British Shorthair Cat

Narina Two-Faced Cat

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