Introducing Zappa the Furry Feline with a Magnificent Mustache!

Have you noticed the resemblance between this cat with a mustache and someone you know? Take a closer look… That’s right!
Introducing Zappa the Cat.

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If you’re familiar with the iconic musician and noted cat enthusiast Frank Zappa, then you probably already know where this is going.


Lisa Williams, the owner of Zappa the cat, revealed to us that Zappa is not her first feline doppelganger of the famous American rock star. She once had an Oriental Shorthair named Marceau, who sported a black and white fur pattern along with a distinctive mustache. According to Lisa, many people pointed out the resemblance between Marceau and Frank Zappa, earning him the nickname “Zappa Cat.” Take a look at Marceau in the image below.


At just 3 years old, Marceau tragically had heart failure and left this world. Lisa was heartbroken by the loss of her beloved cat. However, shortly after Marceau’s passing, Lisa came across a unique black and white kitten with a distinctive mustache, which was being bred in Russia.

zappa kitten

She reached out to the breeder who clarified that he wasn’t up for sale since she planned to use him for breeding purposes.

baby zappa

However, Lisa was not easily discouraged. She persisted by pleading and persistently asking for weeks until she finally persuaded her to allow her to have him. She fondly named him Zappa as a tribute to Marceau, her first cat named Zappa.

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The arrival of the new Zappa brought warmth and joy into her home. She couldn’t believe how charming and adorable he was.

zappa in coat

However, the resemblances between the two cats end with their mustached faces. Lisa elaborates, “Zappa is completely opposite to Marceau. Marceau enjoyed being cuddled, whereas Zappa despises it. Marceau was a chatterbox, but Zappa remains quiet most of the time.”

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But he’s definitely one of a kind. Among Lisa’s feline companions, Zappa stands out as the most energetic and playful. “He’s always up for a game of hide and seek or chase, especially with my daughter. Every morning, he patiently waits outside her door, eager to start their playtime together.”

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Zappa’s favorite pastime is taking strolls in his cat stroller or hitching a ride in Lisa’s wheeled laundry basket. Whenever he catches sight of either, he excitedly dashes over and happily loops around the house, never tiring of the journey.

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Lisa has three other feline companions in her household, and all of them belong to the Oriental Shorthair breed like Zappa. One of them is named Keebler…


Thatcher, also known affectionately as Thatchy…


Peterbald LeMieux, commonly referred to as LeMieux in the breeder community…


Next up:
The Oriental Shorthair Gang, as Lisa fondly refers to them, have their own Instagram account where she shares all their funny moments.

the squad

Zappa adores all of them, but Thatchy holds a special place in his heart. They both enjoy snuggling up on a family member’s lap during the evenings, always eager for some love and affection.

thatcher and zappa

Lisa told We Love Cats and Kittens that her cat also has a strong passion for stuffed animals. She mentioned that he enjoys dragging large stuffed animals into the cat room and ripping them apart. It doesn’t matter to Zappa whose stuffed toy it is – he’s destroyed a few of her kids’ childhood stuffed animals, but seems to particularly favor the ones shaped like dogs.

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I forgot to mention that there are three dogs in this house as well! Zappa is always keeping an eye on them, getting along fine but mostly trying to stay out of their business.

cat and dog

Zappa, just like many other Oriental Shorthairs, is incredibly sporty and agile. Lisa has recently purchased a wheel for him to exercise on, and he is having a great time learning how to use it. He also thoroughly enjoys leaping over obstacles that Lisa’s daughter puts in his way.

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He is quite particular about his nap-time as well.” Lisa mentions, “When he’s in the mood for a good nap, he enjoys hiding under the covers on the bed or the couch, especially if there’s another cat around for some grooming.”

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Another charming behavior he has is when there are no cats around, he will lick the sofa pillows, particularly the alpaca fur one I own. Despite his tongue getting stuck in it, he doesn’t mind and continues licking it with delight!

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Zappa enjoys watching television, whether it’s on a TV screen or on his phone. I can’t help but wonder if he’s a fan of seeing himself on screen too!

zappa phone

Lisa happily asserts that everyone adores the goofy personality of Zappa the Cat. Just like his namesakes, this feline is truly unique and exceptional! Check out the video to witness this fun-loving kitty and his playful siblings in full swing.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Lisa for generously sharing her story with us. If you’d like to see more of this charming family, be sure to check out their adventures on Instagram!

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